“Exploring Fall & Winter Nature"
with Jessica Winston

Monday, December 11th



If you would like to follow up with Jessica you can email her at ecojessny@gmail.com.
Thank you again for your thoughtful participation!

Starter Activities

Things that are good ease into nature activities for fall and winter, for people with less experience...

  • Seeds indoors in trays for sorting or making arrangements. If you can't collect seeds (like acorns, pine cones, etc), you can use store-bought seeds...like different size/colored dried beans, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc. (be mindful of allergies).

  • Or a good starter activity is any kind of natural object arranging...you can use shells, seeds, stones, sticks, whatever you are comfortable using and able to find.

  • The leaf matching game, with pressed leaves

  • Using leaves to cut with scissors or with hole punchers. 

  • Using dried leaves in a large tray or sensory table as a sensory experience for students to crinkle and crush up. 

  • Introducing different types of squash/pumpkins

  • Tree bark rubbings (or leaf rubbings)

Replay of Videochat

The password is: SNOW


We are always trying to improve our work.
If you can spare a minute, we would appreciate any feedback you can give us.

Proof of Attendance

If you would like a certificate, please choose EITHER General or CTLE Certificate.
PLEASE NOTE: If you want to receive CTLE credit/certificate,
you must provide the last 4 digits of your SSN and your DOB as required by NY state.