Studio Teacher Cohort
with Amy Brook Snider
Furthermore, rather than only a physical space, I think that the true atelier is a mind-set, one that slowly enters into your understanding as a teacher, into your way of organizing spaces, of observing children, of carefully taking notes on the learning processes, of working on documentation, and of communicating what the children and teachers are doing.
The research of the children and of the teachers is very important, and the atelier is a great support in this respect; it makes the relationship between art, emotion, knowledge, and creativity more clear.
By bringing in art and poetry, the atelier gives a great deal of hope, especially when society finds itself in a difficult momentstrong>. --In the Spirit of the Studio: Learning from the Atelier of Reggio Emilia. (2005). Gandini, Hill, Caldwell, and Schwall, pp. 59-60.
Teaching Beyond the Square is pleased to announce the first Studio Teacher Cohort. A series of workshops designed for art teachers, atelieristas, and educators, it offers opportunities for inspiration, connection, and community within a group of like-minded professionals. We will meet throughout the school year, to reflect on our practice while developing alternative strategies through meetings that include school visits, guest speakers, material-and media-based experiences as well as the documentation of our work both individually and together. It will be led by Dr. Amy Brook Snider, Professor Emerita, Pratt Institute.
When? How much?
Workshops will be held each month from 5:30 – 7:30pm:
December 7 | January 4 | February 1 | March 1 | April 5 | May 3 | June 7
COST: $40.00 per session, or $250.00 for all sessions. Materials fee is included in the cost. Refreshments and snacks will be provided at each meeting. Participants will be provided with journals and pencils.
Experiences & Topics
- Presentations of participants’ studio projects, and drawing inspiration from each other’s practice.
- Deepening our understanding through material and media experiences and related dialogue.
- Strategies for working with our colleagues.
Discussion questions and possible journal writing topics:
- Development of relationships between the art teacher and the school; i.e., the art room, other teachers, administration, and staff.
- The Having of Wonderful Ideas (Duckworth). How and where do we find sources for inspiration?
- Achieving democracy, equity, and social constructivism in art experiences.
- Effective approaches to motivation, through questions, artwork, and art history.
- Exhibiting student work.
- The art room as “the third teacher.”
- Documentation as assessment.